My green 2000 Honda Civic DX, license plate 400CSZ (Charlie, Sierra, Zebra) was stolen sometime between 6:25 pm on 2/23 and 8:25 am on 2/24 from just NW of NW Thurman and NW 28th in Portland, OR 97210. Uncertain neighbors have mentioned parking near it as late as 10 pm.

I really liked that car, but it's just a car. I'm not pissed off about my car being gone, but I am pissed off at the person who stole it. If it's recovered, I really hope that whoever did this is caught. I'd love to take them to small claims court over the inconvenience alone.

She doesn't like snow, but she behaves in it, at least. My insurance company is
Progressive, and so far they've been awesome. I even got a Jaguar as a rental.
I'll update how things go here, as well as details regarding how it's handled. I did learn to not keep my title and registration in the car anymore. (D'oh!) I learned that I need homeowner's insurance (or similar) to make a claim on the contents (things not installed) in the car. No big worries there, just annoying.
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